For Partners
Congratulations! You and your partner are expecting a baby. A very special period. For nine months you can be your partner’s pillar and strong support. What can you do to anticipate your baby’s birth? How can you help and support your partner in the best way during all phases of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period? We will share practical tips and tops with you.

The most visible change of course is your partner’s growing belly. Obviously a lot more that that is changing. These changes can cause a certain amount of discomfort. You can read all about pregnancy symptoms that could affect your partner on this website.
When you think along with your partner and support her, it will help her tremendously getting through the pregnancy in comfort. The following things may help her a lot:
- Take some chores off of her hands
- Read about pregnancy and make arrangements
- Be involved
- Provide relaxation and rest
- React to mood swings and hormonal disbalances with understanding and sympathy
- Be aware of the do’s and don’ts concerning nutrition.
The time of the delivery has arrived, exciting! You are granted the honor of supporting your partner during this very special moment in life. It is very important to know what your partner wants and maybe even more important: what she doesn’t want. Discuss this in advance and make notes in your birth plan if you have one.
The maternity period
You baby is born! And your maternity period starts. Don’t forget to get enough rest between happy family visits. You are not on your own this period. The maternity nurse will help you out wherever she can.
We would like to remind you of the things that need to be arranged this period:
- Notifying employers about the birth
- Birth registration
- Insurance company registration
- Find out whether or not you are entitled to “ kinderopvangtoeslag “ (childcare allowance)
- Registration Day Care Centre
Birth leave for partners
As a partner you are also entitled to take leave after the birth of your baby. Are you in paid employment? Then you are entitled to take one week of paid leave. Besides that it’s possible to take complementary leave, also known as maternity leave or parental leave.
Your employer pays your regular hours during this leave. As an employer you divide this leave at your own discretion, as long as it’s within 4 weeks after birth.
Complementary parental leave
Since July 2020 it is possible to take a maximum of 5 weeks (5 times your weekly work hours) of complementary leave. During this leave you don’t get paid, but you receive a benefit from the UWV. This parental leave has to be taken within 6 months after birth and after your standard birth leave of 1 week.
Familie Evers
Kraamverzorgende: Jolanda
Jolanda werd onze kant op gestuurd en wat een geweldige kraamverzorgster is zij! Dankzij haar snelle actie rondom de borstvoeding, kolven en bijvoeden hebben wij sinds dag 4 een heel tevreden meisje dat goed kon herstellen van de heftige bevalling. Dankzij Jolanda kon ik de rust die ik zo hard nodig heb echt pakken om mijn lichaam te laten herstellen van de zware bevalling.
En daarnaast was Jolanda nog zoveel meer! Een gezellige klets, hulp in het huishouden, schat voor onze oudste en steun en toeverlaat tijdens de kraamtranen.
Enorm bedankt dat jullie ons zo last minute toch deze geweldige kraamweek hebben kunnen bieden. En wauw, wat fijn dat Jolanda voor jullie werkt en veel gezinnen van haar mogen genieten! Bedankt.
Kraamverzorgende: Patricia
“Een goed begin is het halve werk” zeggen ze wel eens. Dat is bij kraamzorg natuurlijk extra belangrijk. Hierbij gaat het niet om een klein projectje, maar om het opvoeden van een mensenkind.
Na een zware bevalling hadden wij de behoefte om met z’n drieën rustig bij te komen. Gelukkig kregen wij daarvoor van Patricia alle ruimte. Hierbij was zij niet alleen goede hulp met betrekking tot het opvoeden van een baby, maar was zij een betrokken luisterend oor.
Zonder uitvoerig vooraf te hebben gesproken voelde Patricia haarfijn aan waar onze behoeftes lagen en wat onze visie op opvoeding is. We vonden het erg prettig dat hier weinig woorden voor nodig waren.
Nadat we de deur achter Patricia sloten op de laatste kraamdag misten we haar prettige gezelschap al meteen. We hopen haar in de toekomst nog eens tegen te komen.

Useful apps
The App Stores are full of them: useful baby apps! From an app about ‘jumps’ to a baby monitor app; Below is a list of the most popular and indispensable apps!
- The ZwangerHap from the Nutrition Center. This app answers all your questions when it comes to eating during pregnancy. So quickly consult this app before you go into the kitchen for your pregnant partner!
- Not Tinder but… Kinder! You and your partner install this handy app on your phone. Then it’s time to swipe for baby names! The app keeps track of which names you both like. This creates a list of baby names that appeal to both of you.
- Need a baby monitor but don’t have a real baby monitor at hand? With this app you can turn two phones into one baby monitor!
- Your parents probably still had the book ‘Oops, I’m growing’ in their hands. Nowadays, this popular book also exists in the form of an app..
- There is nothing as valuable as a sleeping baby… This app contributes to that! All the sounds that your baby can dream away to can be found here.